What is Reinforcement learning in machine learning?

What is Reinforcement learning in machine learning?

Long underestimated, the Reinforcement learning aspect of machine learning had lately gained a lot of interest when Google DeepMind used it to learn how to play Atari games and, after that, learn to play Go at the highest level. One of the three fundamental machine learning paradigms, supervised and unsupervised, is reinforcement learning.

By reinforcement learning, the algorithm learns to complete a job by attempting to maximise the benefits it gets for its activities (for instance, it maximises the point it earns for raising an asset portfolio’s returns).

It would be beneficial to apply it when there is a lack of training data, the ideal result goal cannot be clearly defined, or the natural environment seems to be the only method to learn about that. Reinforcement learning, for example, may be used to train a neural network which “looks” at a game screen and produces game behaviours to maximise its scoring.

Types of Reinforcement

Reinforcement comes in two types:

1. Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is when an action increases in power and regularity as a result of an occurrence that is caused by that behaviour. In other words, it influences behaviour in a favourable way. Reinforcement learning has two benefits:

  • it maximises performance
  • long-term sustains change.

Reinforcement learning drawbacks include an excess of states that might reduce the effectiveness of the learning process.

2. Negative Reinforcement

Negative reinforcement is the improvement of activity as a function of stopping or avoiding a negative state.

Reinforcement learning benefits include increased activity and resistance to the required minimum level of performance.

Reinforcement learning’s drawback is that it just offers what is necessary to fulfil the minimal behaviour.

What is the process of reinforcement learning?

1) The algorithm acts in a way that affects the environment (for instance, by trading in a financial portfolio).

2) It is rewarded if the activity moves the machine one step closer to maximising all rewards (for instance, achieving the highest portfolio total return).

3) The algorithm corrects itself over time to optimise for the optimal set of actions.

Tasks for Reinforcement Learning Come in Two Forms

Reinforcement learning methods can handle both episodic and continuous tasks. In a specific situation, like the example of playing tic tac toe, episodic activities can be taken into account. The computer operator performs the scenario, performs a task, receives payment for it, and terminates. We record the information from that episode, and then we all rerun the simulation with the added knowledge.

We repeat this procedure for each episode in which the computer agent takes part. The information from the first state is used in each iteration of the subsequent state. As a result, the agent may be anticipated to get better at the game over time as it continues to optimise towards a result that yields the highest overall return.

Continuous reinforcement tasks are referred as the tasks that the computer agent does repeatedly until we instruct it to stop. Two instances of continuous tasks are a reinforcement learning system that has been trained to trade stocks and one that has been taught to bid in a real-time bidding ad exchange environment.

The reinforcement learning system may continue to tune itself to trading or bidding routines that result in the highest cumulative reward despite the continual stream of states in these contexts (e.g. money made, etc.). In the beginning, the algorithm might not execute as well as a seasoned day trader or systematic bidder. But given enough time and testing, we may expect it to eventually outperform people.

Reinforcement learning vocabulary

1.  Agent(): An entity with the ability to observe, investigate, and respond to its surroundings.

2. Environment(): The circumstance in which an agent is situated. In RL, we make the assumption that the environment is stochastic or essentially random.

3. Action(): An agent’s actions are its movements inside its surroundings.

4. State(): State is a condition that the environment returns following each action the agent takes.

5. Reward(): Feedback from the environment that the agent received to assess its performance.

6. Policy(): Policy is the agent’s plan for the subsequent action depending on the situation at hand.

  • Value(): Value() is supposed to be long-term adjusted with the discount factor and is the polar opposite of the short-term reward.
  • Q-value(): This function is largely similar to the value but adds a current action parameter (a).

Main Principles of Reinforcement Learning

1. The agent is not given instructions regarding the surroundings or what must be done in real life.

2. It is founded on the hit-and-miss method.

3. Based on input from the previous activity, the agent changes states and performs the subsequent action.

4. The agent could receive a reward later.

5. The agent must investigate the environment in order to maximise positive rewards because it is unpredictable.

Implementation strategies for reinforcement learning

Reinforcement-learning can be applied in machine learning (ML) in primarily three methods, such as:

1. Value-based: The value-based strategy focuses on identifying the best value function, or the highest value that can be achieved at a state under any regulation. As a result, the agent anticipates a long-term return in any state covered by the insurance.

2. Policy-based: This method avoids utilising the value function in order to identify the best course of action for maximising potential benefits. In this method, the agent seeks to implement a policy in a way that every move serves to increase the reward in the future.

The two primary categories of policies in the policy-based approach are:

a. Deterministic: The policy () at any state results in the very same action.

b. Stochastic: With this policy, chances control the outcome.

3. Model-based: The agent learns about the surroundings by interacting with a virtual model of it in the model-based method. Since the model representation varies depending on the context, this technique has no specific algorithm or solution.

Reinforcement learning components

Following are the four key components of reinforcement learning:


Reward Signal

Value Function

Model of the environment

1) Policy: A policy is the method an agent acts at a specific moment in time. It connects the perceived environmental conditions to the responses to those conditions. The fundamental component of RL is a policy since only a policy can specify how an agent will behave. It could be a straightforward function or lookup table in certain circumstances, but comprehensive computing as a search procedure would be necessary for others. It might be a stochastic or deterministic policy:

For deterministic policy: a = π(s)
For stochastic policy: π(a | s) = P[At =a | St = s]

2) Reward Signal: The aim of reinforcement learning is specified by the reward signal. The environment immediately transmits a signal called as a reward signal towards the learning agent at every state. These incentives are offered in accordance with the agent’s successful and unsuccessful acts. The agent’s principal goal is to maximise the overall incentives for doing the right thing. The reward signal can alter the policy. For instance, if an action chosen by the agent yields a poor reward, the policy may be altered to choose different behaviours in the future.

 3) Value Function: The value function informs an agent of the problem’s and action’s merits as well as the potential reward. A value function defines the excellent condition and action for the future, but a reward indicates the instant signal for every good and poor activity. The reward is a necessary component of the value function since value cannot exist without it. To reap additional advantages, one uses value estimation.

 4) Model: The model, which imitates the activity of the surroundings, is the last component in reinforcement learning. One can draw conclusions about the behaviour of the environment using the model. For instance, a model may forecast the subsequent state and rewards if a situation and an action are provided.

The concept can be used for planning, which means it offers a mechanism to choose a course of action by taking into account all potential outcomes before they come to pass. Model-based approach refers to a method for resolving RL issues with the use of a model. In contrast, a model-free strategy is one that doesn’t employ a model.

Reinforcement Learning Applications

1. Robotics: Robot navigation, robot soccer, walking, juggling, etc., all employ RL.

2. Control: Reinforcement learning (RL) is a technique for adaptive control that may be used in a variety of processes, including admission control in telecommunications and helicopter piloting.

3. Game Playing: RL may be applied to games like chess, tic tac toe, and others.

4. Chemistry: RL may be applied to enhance chemical processes.

5. Company: RL is increasingly utilized for developing business strategy.

6. Manufacturing: Reinforcement learning is used by robots in certain car production facilities to choose products and place them in the container.

7. Finance Industry: Trading methods are currently evaluated in the finance sector using the RL.


Reinforcement Learning is among the most fascinating and beneficial aspects of machine learning. In real life, the agent investigates the surroundings by doing so on its own. It serves as the primary learning algorithm in artificial intelligence.

However, there are some situations in which it shouldn’t be employed, such as when there is sufficient data to address the issue, and other ML algorithms can do it more effectively.

The fundamental problem with the RL algorithm is that some of the settings, such as delayed feedback, may influence how quickly new information is learned.

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