What is Data Mining?

What is Data Mining?

Data Mining is the process of extracting information from large sets of data. Data Mining is called Knowledge Discovery in Data (KDD). It pulls valuable datasets that help organizations solve problems, predict trends, mitigate risks, and find new opportunities. Usually, Data Mining is done by data scientists and other professionals.

For mining comprehensive data sets, machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence automate the process more efficiently. Several Organizations gains benefit by using data mining for filtering the required data, taking quick business decisions, improve the business ideas and strategies etc.

Steps involved in Data Mining

The various steps involved in data mining are,

  • Data Gathering

Relevant data are gathered in structured and unstructured data stored in a data warehouse or data lake. Data Scientists manage the data wherever it comes from the resources.

  • Data Preparation

This process involves the data being mined using data exploration, pre-processing and profiling and data cleansing is done to fix the errors and quality of the data. Finally, data is filtered for next step process.

  • Data Mining

If the data is set for the mining process, the data scientists choose appropriate mining techniques and algorithms for the mining process. The algorithms are trained in such a way as to look at the information being sought before they run against the complete data set.

  • Data analysis and Interpretation

Results generated by data mining are used to create analytical models that help drive decision-making and various business actions. The data scientists and another data science team member communicate with the business executives and users through data visualization and data storytelling techniques.

Techniques Involved in Data Mining

The techniques involved in Data Mining are,

Association rule Mining- In the data mining process, an if-then statement is used to identify the relationship between data. It determines the number of times the datasets are repeated to check the if-then information is accurate.

Classification-It differentiates the elements in the data set based on their categories. Various methods are used to categorizecategorize the aspects, such as Decision trees, Naïve Bayes classifiers, k-nearest neighbours and logistic regressions, which are used to predict classification.

Clustering-Clustering is the process of grouping the characteristics of data elements which is a part of data mining applications. Some examples include K-means clustering, hierarchical clustering and Gaussian mixture models.

Regression-It calculates the predicted data values based on the set of variables. Some of the examples include linear regression, decision trees and multivariate regression are used.

Sequence and Path Analysis- Data is mined to identify patterns for a particular set of events of values which leads to later ones.

Neural Networks- As the name suggests it works based on human brain activity. It is specially used in complex pattern recognition, which involves deep learning and advanced offshoot machine learning.

Applications of Data Mining

The various applications of data mining are,

Retail-Online retailers mine customer data and Internet click stream that records and helps to target marketing campaigns, including ads and promotional offers to individual shoppers. Data mining suggests the personal purchase of the possible things based on website visitors, including inventory and supply chain management.

Financial Fields-Companies such as Bank and credit card use data mining tools to build economic risk models and detects fraudulent transactions, credit applications and vet loans

Insurance- In the Insurance field, it uses data mining tools for pricing insurance policies and approving policy applications which include risk modeling and management for the customers

Entertainment-In entertainment field, it helps the companies to let them know what people’s choice is and track their views. With the help of this the company launch product based on users choice.

Healthcare-It helps to check medical conditions, analyze X-rays, treat patients and results of medical imaging. Medical research is also done using data mining and machine learning.

Pros of Data Mining

The benefits of data mining include,

  • Increased Marketing and Sales
  • Increase in Production
  • Low Cost
  • Stronger Risk Management
  • Increase the Production uptime
  • Increase in supply chain Management
  • Good Customer Service


From the above article, the uses of data mining are discussed here. Nowadays, large set of information is processed daily; hence, data mining is a familiar concept with a good career scope in the future.

Data Mining Functionalities

Data mining has a significant place in the present world. It turns into a significant research area since there’s a large number of information available in the majority of the software. This enormous number of information have to be processed to be able to extract valuable data and knowledge, because they are not explicit.

The sorts of patterns which could be found rely upon the data mining tasks used. By and large, there are two sorts of data mining jobs: descriptive information mining tasks which explain the overall properties of the present information, and predictive data mining tasks that try to do forecasts based on inference on accessible information.

The data mining functionalities as well as the variety of information they find are briefly introduced in the following listing:

The information applicable to some user-specified course are typically recovered by a database query and operate through a summarization module to extract the heart of the information at several levels of abstractions. As an instance, an individual might want to characterize the clients of a shop who regularly rent over films per year.

With theory hierarchies on the features describing the target category, the attribute oriented induction system may be utilized to carry out information summarization. With a data block comprising summarization of information, easy OLAP operations fit the purpose of information characterization.

Discrimination: Data discrimination generates what are known as discriminant principles and is essentially the comparison of their overall characteristics of items between two classes called the target category and the contrasting class. By way of instance, an individual might want to compare the overall characteristics of the clients who leased over 30 films in the previous year with people whose lease account is lesser than. The techniques employed for information offenses are similar to the techniques employed for data characterization with the exception that info discrimination results comprise comparative steps.

Association evaluation: Association investigation studies the frequency of items happening together in transactional databases, and according to a threshold called service, explains the frequent item sets. Another threshold, optimism, that is the conditional probability in relation to an item appears in a trade when another item appears, is utilized to pinpoint institution principles. This is widely employed for market basket analysis.

By way of instance, it might be helpful for the boss to understand what films are usually rented together or when there’s a connection between leasing a specific sort of films and purchasing pop or popcorn up. By way of instance, RentType(X,”sport”) ˆ§Age(X,”13-19″) †’Buys(X,”soda”)[s=2 percent, =55 percent ] The preceding rule would imply that 2 percent of these trades considered are of clients aged between 13 and 19 that are leasing a match and purchasing a popup, and that there’s a certainty of 55 percent which adolescent customers who lease a match also purchase soda.

Classification utilizes given category labels to dictate the items in the information collection. Classification approaches normally use a training group where all items are already connected with known class labels. The classification algorithm learns in the training group and builds a version. The design can be used to classify new items. By way of instance, after starting a credit report, the director of a shop could analyze the clients’ behaviour vis-Ã -vis their credit, and tag accordingly the clients who obtained credits with three possible tags”secure”,”insecure” and”very insecure”. The classification evaluation would bring in a model that may be employed to either accept or refuse credit asks later on.

Prediction: Prediction has drawn considerable interest given the possible consequences of effective forecasting within a business context. There are just two major 50 kinds of forecasts: you can either attempt to forecast a few inaccessible data pending or values tendencies, or call a class label for some data. The latter is tied into classification. After a classification version is constructed according to a training group, the class label of an item could be foreseen depending on the characteristic values of this object and the characteristic values of the courses.

Prediction is nevertheless more frequently referred to the prediction of lost numerical values, or increase/ reduction tendencies in time associated information. The significant idea is to utilize a large number of previous values to consider possible future worth. Clustering can also be known as unsupervised classification, since the classification isn’t ordered by given category labels.

There are lots of clustering approaches all predicated on the principle of optimizing the similarity between objects at precisely the exact same course (intra-class similarity) and diminishing the similarity between objects of various types (inter-class similarity).

Outlier evaluation: Outliers are data components that can’t be grouped in a specific course or cluster. Also called exceptions or exceptions, they are frequently extremely important to spot. While outliers could be considered sound and discarded in certain programs, they could disclose important knowledge in different domains, and consequently can be extremely important and their investigation invaluable. It is normal that consumers don’t have a clear idea of the type of patterns that they can detect or will need to find out of the information at hand.

It is thus important to get a flexible and comprehensive statistics mining system which makes it possible for the discovery of distinct sorts of knowledge and also at several levels of abstraction. This makes interactivity a significant feature of a data mining system.

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