Top 10 social media platforms

Top 10 social media platforms

The everyday lives of many individuals are supported by social media.

The number of social media consumers worldwide was estimated at 4.65 billion by the Digital 2022 April Global Statshot Survey. That equates to 58.7% of the world’s population, many of whom rely heavily on social media for knowledge.

Users of social media can find all the information they require without ever departing their preferred site, including news (and misinformation), lifestyle advice, decision-making, and product study. Do you want to be certain that you’re utilizing the finest social media applications? Because there are now so many social networks competing for your interest, it can be challenging to decide which one to use. We have compiled a selection of the best social media sites and applications for you to use as a resource.

1. Facebook

Facebook is by far the most widely used social media site in the world, with about 2.9 billion members. In 2004, Mark Zuckerberg, an undergraduate at Harvard University, founded Facebook. At first, Zuckerberg and his Harvard dormmates wanted to build a photo-sharing website just for Harvard students. Eventually, they opened up enrollment to students attending other Ivy League institutions. Facebook then went open to all in 2006, at which point it rapidly gained popularity in almost every country on earth. Approximately one-third of all people on the planet have a Facebook account as of right now.

2. YouTube

Originally and mainly a video-sharing website, YouTube. But over the years, the site has developed into a social media community with about 2.6 billion active members. In 2005, three ex-PayPal workers founded YouTube. The website gained popularity rapidly, and just one year later, in 2006, Google purchased it for about $1.7 billion. The largest video-sharing website on the internet, YouTube is still controlled by Google (more specifically, by Alphabet, the parent business of Google).

3. Instagram

Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, two Stanford University undergraduates, created and introduced Instagram in 2010. Initially a photo-sharing platform, the program rapidly gained enormous popularity. Instagram had 10 million users within the first year of the service’s launch. Then, in 2012, Facebook paid precisely $1 billion to acquire Instagram. Since then, the platform’s fame has grown even more quickly. Around 1.5 billion daily registered users worldwide are currently using Instagram. These days, this social media platform is more than just a place to share photos and videos; a whole culture has grown up around it.

4. WeChat

Likely, you have never heard of WeChat if you don’t reside in China, let alone used it. However, the Chinese platform is in fact among the biggest and most widely used social media networks in the world. Tencent, a major player in Chinese technology, founded and owns WeChat, which has 1.3 billion registered users as of this writing. 90% of them are Chinese citizens. WeChat is more than just a social media app in that location. It has developed into a “one-app for everything” and powerful software. WeChat is used by Chinese users to exchange photos and videos, converse, play games, and even make payments online. WeChat is much less well-known outside of China, primarily because of the platform’s stringent control and privacy concerns (the Chinese government uses the platform for its mass surveillance operation).

5. TikTok

TikTok was only introduced in 2016, but since then it has expanded more quickly than any other social media network and now has over a billion users. Chinese firm ByteDance, headquartered in Beijing, created TikTok. It is a website that allows users to upload and share brief videos of themselves lip-syncing, delivering messages, or engaging in other amusing activities. TikTok was initially only intended for Mandarin consumers. The platform wasn’t initially accessible to people from other countries; this changed only after it merged with, a comparable platform.

6. Kuaishou

Kuaishou is referred to as the “original TikTok” because it created the idea of the short film that TikTok adopted and is built on. For a while, Kuaishou struggled to gain significant traction outside of its home in China, but things have started to change a bit recently. While still not as well-known worldwide as TikTok, Kuaishou is now among the most widely used social media sites.

7. Sina Weibo

Sina Weibo sometimes referred to as the “Chinese Twitter.” Sina Weibo is a microblogging site that has a comparable look and feels to Twitter. But even though it primarily serves the Chinese market, it currently has more active users than its American counterpart. Pan Weibo, a Taiwanese-American performer, rapper, and entrepreneur who was born in the United States, founded Sina Weibo in 2009. Since then, it has been acquired by the Chinese Sina Group.

8. Snapchat

Snapchat blends instant messaging capabilities with those of a normal social media site. It was introduced in 2011 and is also credited with creating the “Story” function, which enables users to upload brief videos of themselves or other subjects. Since then, it has been replicated and integrated into other social media sites, like Instagram. Snapchat continues to be one of the most widely used social media sites, despite the fact that user development has somewhat slowed recently.

9. Pinterest

Pinterest is a social media site that is entirely focused on aesthetic appeal. The platform, which debuted in 2009, continues to stand out among the most well-liked social media platforms. It doesn’t have some of the features that make up the majority of other social media platforms and instead concentrate almost completely on the social media elements of sharing images and videos.

10. Twitter

The first micro-blogging website on the internet, according to many, was Twitter, which was introduced in 2006. Users of the social media site can post both images and videos as well as brief notes. Politicians, global leaders, and celebrities from all over the world are known for using Twitter as their favored social media tool. Because of this, even non-active users of the site frequently browse its material.

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